Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Science - Light


We spent 6 weeks studying energy! We discussed types of energy, including light, sound, heat, motion, and electricity.

The first component of energy we studied was light. 
Students completed a series of Light Labs to demonstrate how light moves in straight lines, how light is reflected, refraction (bending) of light, light through prisms, shadows,  light wavelengths and the color spectrum.

Here are a few pictures from our labs! We used mirrors, flashlights, prisms, bubbles, blacklights, and water to explore the properties of light energy.

Lab 1: Light moves in straight lines and can be reflected. Students used mirrors to reflect light from one side of a notebook to the back. 

Lab 2: Light can be refracted (bent) in water. A single penny appears to be two, and a pencil in a cup of water looks broken or split in two.

Lab 3: When an object passes in front of a light source, a shadow is created.

Lab 4: The magnifying qualities of light through water.

Lab 5: Refraction of light through prisms and bubbles.
 Refractions cause light waves to lengthen or shorten, which changes the colors interpreted by our brains. Prisms and bubbles both create rainbows. 

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